Fossdene Primary


Our SENCO is Ms. Sarah Jowett.

She can be contacted by email at


Fossdene’s culturally diverse community works together to create a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which goes beyond entitlement to extend and enrich each child's experience and appreciation of the world.

We promote a sense of personal worth in an atmosphere of trust, respect and mutual support, and build in children a life-long love of learning.

We create a learning environment that is happy, safe and stimulating.  It challenges and encourages all children, without exception, to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives so they may become contributing, empowered and fulfilled members of our society.

Teachers use carefully planned differentiated activities to enable all learners to grow in confidence, skills and knowledge, work to the best of their potential and to make progress.

We are committed to an inclusive practice to ensure that children can work happily and co-operatively alongside each other.

Some learners may require more specific or targeted support. Below is a list of the professionals / additional resources we employ for children who need this additional support:

Educational Psychologist

The school buys into RBG Educational Psychology (EP) service. EPs look at how children and young people experience life within school and home environments and how different factors in these contexts interact with each other. They work collaboratively with parents, schools and other professionals to identify strategies to help.

 Greenwich ASD Outreach Service

RBG ASD Outreach provide support and guidance for children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

Sensory Provision

Our Sensory Room enables children to settle to learn by providing a space to regulate emotions and address sensory needs. Sensory circuits are also available.

 Social Communication Service

The school buys into the RBG social communication service to advise on how to develop these children who have difficulty with social interactions and communication. The outreach worker runs some specific groups for our children and advises our LSAs on running additional groups and individual programmes.

 Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

The school buys into Oxleas Speech and Language Therapy Service. The SENCO will make a referral to Speech and Language. Some children require intensive SALT, whilst others require a few sessions. The therapist will always provide a programme. This programme will be followed in school and there is an expectation that it will also be followed at home, in order for the best possible outcome.

 Waterside school

We can refer to Waterside for additional support when children display significant SEMH (social, emotional and mental health needs).

SEN Policy

School Information Report


Greenwich Local Offer


We recognise that there may be times when a parent/carer is not satisfied with our approach to their child’s needs and they may wish to address this. If a parent/carer wishes to make a complaint, we encourage them to approach the class teacher on the first instance as often issues can be easily resolved. If the issue is not resolved, in line with our complaints policy, we ask that parents/carers make an appointment to discuss the matter with the class teacher to see if the matter can be resolved at an informal level. The next stage would be to speak to the Assistant Head Teacher Inclusion.  If parents/carers feel that the complaint has not been resolved, then they can make a formal complaint using the school complaints policy.