SCHOOL Uniform
fossdene uniform policy 2022.pdf
Fossdene School Uniform List
September 2024
All children are expected to be in full school uniform
On PE days a school PE kit must be worn
A forest green school jumper or cardigan with or without the Fossdene logo
Grey school trousers or black joggers/grey skirt/grey pinafore/grey shorts/grey culottes
White polo shirt or white cotton school shirt or Fossdene t-shirt
Green and white summer school dresses
Plain black, grey or forest green tights
Black school shoes or plain black trainers with black soles
Year 1-Year 6
A forest green school jumper or cardigan with or without the Fossdene logo
Fossdene hoodie (Year 6 only)
Grey school trousers (not joggers or leggings)/grey skirt/grey pinafore/grey shorts/grey culottes
White polo shirt or white cotton school shirt
Green and white summer school dresses
Plain black, grey or green tights
Black school shoes or plain black trainers with black soles
PE days
Years 1-6
Green football shorts or plain black joggers
Forest Green t-shirt
Plain black trainers with black soles or plimsolls
Adaptations may be made for children with Special Educational Needs
No jewellery should be worn except for a single stud earring in each ear.
Watches may be worn in KS2.
Please name all items.
Bookbags, PE Kits and school jumpers/cardigans can be purchased directly from the school.
The school also holds a stock of second hand clothing which can also be purchased directly.