Fossdene Primary

PSHE and Relationships Education

At Fossdene Primary School, we teach Personal, Social and Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity.

To ensure progression and a spiral curriculum, we use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, as our chosen teaching and learning programme and tailor it to our children’s needs. The mapping document: Jigsaw 3-11 and statutory Relationships and Health Education, shows exactly how Jigsaw and therefore our school, meets the statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements.

Here, at Fossdene Primary School we value PSHE as one way to support children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning. We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole-school PSHE Programme.

The Jigsaw programme also supports the “Personal Development” and “Behaviour and Attitude” aspects required under the Ofsted Inspection Framework, as well as significantly contributing to the school’s Safeguarding and Equality Duties, the Government’s British Values agenda and the SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) development opportunities provided for our children.

At Fossdene, our aims for PSHE & Relationships Education are:

  • to help and support children in their physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and moral development
  • to help children to learn to understand and respect themselves and others and to move with confidence from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood
  • to provide knowledge and understanding about loving relationships, the nature of sexuality and the process of human reproduction
  • for children to acquire attitudes that prepare them to view their own relationships and physical changes in a healthy and responsible manner
  • to provide information that respects all cultures and viewpoints, information that is accurate, honest and easy to understand at the child’s individual level

At Fossdene Primary School we allocate 45 minutes- 1 hour to PSHE each week in KS1 and KS2 in order to teach the PSHE knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way.

These explicit lessons are reinforced and enhanced in many ways:

Assemblies and collective worship, Votes for Schools, our behaviour policy, circle time activities, work done in Jigsaw Journals, Class Charter, through relationships child to child, adult to child and adult to adult across the school. We aim to ‘live’ what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community. The lessons reinforce and underpin our Rights Respecting School ethos.

Class teachers deliver the weekly lessons to their own classes.

jigsaw overview 2023 2024 docx.pdf