"With pupils at the heart of all we do we set a vision to move and lead the school forward. We encourage professional growth by bringing together expertise and nurturing others so that high standards are evident. In doing so we will build a harmonious community within the school and beyond."
Our curriculum has been designed to enable all children to progress from Nursery through to Year 6 in all the specific areas of the National Curriculum. In line with our school values it is aspirational and creative, develops a sense of belonging and is rooted in equality and teamwork. It is carefully planned to enable all our children to develop the resilience they need to achieve.
Following a review of our curriculum we have prioritised high quality and progressive subject planning and delivery for each individual subject as opposed to a thematic approach. Links are made where these enhance and support learning. In this way we believe that children will master the content of the curriculum for each individual subject, preparing them for secondary school and beyond.
Please view the individual curriculum and year group pages for further details.
In line with our duty under the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 we ensure that all our children are able to access the curriculum in line with our school values of equality and aspiration.
- Our curriculum allows for pupils to learn and achieve at as high a standard as possible
- We ensure that children can access our full curriculum and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that this happens.
- We ensure that targets that are appropriate and don't include perceived limitations on what pupils can achieve, allowing all our children to progress and excel.
In addition children identified as having a SEND
- Have regular review of individual progress towards their targets
- Have regular monitoring the impact of interventions on progress
- Have year group teams who are well equipped and trained to support pupils' needs
Teacher differentiate across the curriculum in a variety of ways such as:
- Using different resources to cater for a range of ability levels and needs
- Provide targeted support for pupils
- Developing the use of key vocabulary and language so that it's accessible but also challenging (where appropriate)
If you would like to find out anymore about the curriculum we follow at Fossdene please contact Sarah Jowett, Head of School at